UPDATE: We’ve added a 4th game suggestion for all you Roblox fans!
Do you love playing Adopt Me, but have run out of pets to collect? Or maybe you just want to explore a different world other than Adoption Island. Well, this article is for you! Below, we explore 3 different games from Roblox that are similar to Adopt Me.
1. Pet Simulator X

One of the most popular games on Roblox is Pet Simulator X (players call it Pet Sim X or PSX for short). It is actually the third version of the game after Pet Simulator and Pet Simulator 2. Pet Sim X is all about exploring new worlds, collecting coins and diamonds – and most importantly, collecting pets! There are hundreds of pets that you can hatch from different eggs and also trade with other players.
When trading, we think that the best website for trading values is petsimxvalues.net. They have all the latest news, guides and codes to help you beat the game! Just like in Adopt Me, pets come in different rarities, and petsimxvalues.net has all the info and values for the game’s EXCLUSIVE pets – so you need to check them out HERE!
The pets have different damage levels and abilities that help to break open loot boxes, chests and diamond piles. You can fuse pets, enchant them with different abilities and upgrade them to golden, rainbow or dark matter versions which are stronger! Pet Simulator X has so many features similar to Adopt Me PLUS MORE, which is why we have selected this game as our top pick!
Play Pet Simulator X HERE
2. Overlook RP (previously called Overlook Bay)

Overlook Bay was originally released and then updated to Overlook RP. In this game you can adopt and raise over 200 pets! You can also customize your character, design your own house and role play with in-game items. To earn emeralds, which is the in-game currency, you can go mining, fishing and grow fruit. Pets are obtained from pet pods rather than eggs, so that is one minor difference to Adopt Me.
Overlook RP added a trading system to the game, which allows players to trade up to 6 items or pets at a time. This made it easier to collect pets and added a fun new dimension to the game!
We hope you can now see that Overlook RP has many of the same features we love in Adopt Me, which is why we think you’ll enjoy it as much as the Adopt Me game!
Play Overlook RP HERE
3. Pet Zoo

Now, this game is a bit more different to the last 2. However, we think it takes the best part of Adopt Me (which is collecting pets) and makes it into a game! In this game you must catch pets to put into your zoo and there are over 30 different animals to collect! To capture pets there is a rune system which you must follow.
There is also an element to this game which is quite different to Adopt Me. Here, the main aim is to become the best zoo tycoon ever. Therefore, you must focus on growing your zoo, attracting visitors and earning coins. You will need to make your zoo bigger and better so that you can become the best pet zoo in the game.
There are also stars which you must collect in order to complete this game. There are a total of 500 stars to collect to beat Pet Zoo.
Play Pet Zoo HERE
4.     Blox Fruits

Even though this was supposed to only be the top 3 games like Adopt Me – we decided to add this extra suggestion as a bonus for all you Roblox fans! Blox Fruits is one of the most popular games (if not THE most popular game) on Roblox. For the BEST info on the game check out https://bloxfruitscodes.net!
There is an element of trading in the game, similar to Adopt Me – except you trade Blox Fruits instead. Blox Fruits give special powers to players, and your goal is to level up by fighting bosses and others in the game while using Blox Fruits. This is a fighting game based on the One Piece manga and anime.
Also, did we mention that you can redeem codes for bonuses like EXP boosts, Stat resets and money as well? Find the latest codes here at this Blox Fruits Codes page!