In this guide, we show you how to get a win, fair or lose trade using our value lists!
Because there are no official Adopt Me values out there, it can be hard to check if you are getting scammed when trading. Are you getting a good deal, or are you being scammed? It’s not easy to figure out. However, after reading this guide, you will have a better idea when trading!
Find pet or item values
Firstly, you need to find out the values of the pets or items that are being traded. Go to our value menu above, and find the value of each pet, egg or other item. For a “How To” guide on finding values and using this website, you can click HERE.
Now, add all the values you are trading to get your Total Value. Then, add all the values they (your trading partner) are trading to get their Total Value. Then, you can use the rules below to find out if it is a win, lose or fair trade.
How to have a WIN trade

Your Total Value is less than Their Total Value
Your Total = 2,000 is less than Their Total = 3,000
How to have a FAIR trade

Your Total Value is equal to (or close to) Their Total Value
Your Total = 2,000 is equal to (or close to) Their Total = 2,000
How to have a LOSE trade

Your Total Value is more than Their Total Value
Your Total = 3,000 is more than Their Total = 2,000